HUMAN’s Satori Threat Intelligence and Research team has disrupted a cunning mobile advertising fraud campaign dubbed Konfety.

Video-sharing platforms like Dailymotion have a particularly challenging balance to strike when it comes to advertising: how can they deliver quality audiences to advertisers while also helping professional media brands monetize their work on the platform? It’s a tightrope for sure, and it’s made more complex still when you consider the impact of sophisticated bots on ads’ performance metrics.

The balancing act comes down to this: CPMs are substantially higher for video advertising than for static banner advertising, which means that fraudsters will look to video to try and capture a piece of the pie. It’s led to confusion and frustration among advertisers when their CTRs suffer and campaigns flounder. And video is only going to continue to explode: according to Cisco, by 2022, a whopping 82 percent of consumer internet traffic will be streaming online video.

Open platforms like Dailymotion are at the forefront of this phenomenon. Today, Dailymotion and White Ops announced our new partnership, ensuring that brands placing direct and programmatic video content on Dailymotion’s video platform will be able to trust that 100% of the viewers of their ads are human. This partnership cements Dailymotion’s reputation as a leader in the fight against ad fraud, and promises to enhance advertisers’ experience on the platform.

And what’s more, this partnership empowers Dailymotion to balance those two disparate needs: fulfilling demand partners’ goals and fulfilling content creators’ goals. White Ops’ work in detecting and preventing invalid traffic will protect the advertisers, of course, but it will also protect the content creators working every day to build an audience on Dailymotion’s premium video platform.

The fight against fraud is an all-hands-on-deck situation, and our collaboration is vital to keep a big corner of the internet human for future generations. When video is, and will remain, such a huge proportion of internet traffic and content, it’s crucial that we ensure that video stays the way it was intended: human.