HUMAN’s Satori Threat Intelligence and Research team has disrupted a cunning mobile advertising fraud campaign dubbed Konfety.

Why I Joined White Ops

I have played a part in many technology waves during my 20+ year marketing career. It started with mobile computing, then Wi-Fi, then mobile commerce, and over the past five years, cybersecurity. I’ve been fortunate to represent incredible brands along the way; they had tremendous missions to make life for humans better and more productive through their interactions with technology.

I began hearing about White Ops about a year ago from brands, VCs, and industry analysts. They told me about this company that was leading the industry in bot fraud mitigation, BOTS posing as HUMANS that cost the global advertising industry more than $5.8 billion annually. Bot fraud has been an effective way for hackers to fund efforts to carry out other malicious activity, negatively impacting every company in the world.

White Ops’ mission is to protect the Internet and every brand we partner with by verifying the humanity of every online interaction. The White Ops team and the technology we enable sorts through more than 100 billion (yes, 100 billion) digital interactions every day to ensure that the human engagement with digital brands is real, not fake. There’s an actual war on the Internet playing out every second of the day, and it’s getting more and more complicated to stop. White Ops is the company working with the world’s leading brands to stop bot fraud, and I found that to be one hell of a calling. Here’s a couple recent examples of how White Ops is leading the fight against bot fraud:

  • The Hunt for 3ve, co-authored by Google and White Ops that speaks to taking down a major ad fraud operation through industry collaboration
  • The Bot Baseline report, produced in conjunction with the ANA

Leading the industry in stopping bot fraud is just the beginning for White Ops. The tech we’ve built is rapidly being pulled into the cybersecurity world in response to security leaders across the industry spectrum looking to verify human engagement.

I’ve never met a more passionate group of people so committed to ensuring that every interaction on the Internet is a human one. White Ops is led by Tamer Hassan, Co-Founder and CEO, who was just named the No. 1 most creative person in business by Fast Company for uniting the cybersecurity and advertising industry with the FBI to take down one of the largest ad fraud operations ever. When you consider Tamer’s leadership, the talent permeating from the incredible team behind him, and the full support of some of the largest brands on the planet, the opportunity at White Ops is massive.

I am humbled to join this team, to represent the White Ops brand, and to tell the stories of how we are helping the industry and our customers solve this very big and complicated problem.

White Ops: Keep It Human

Dan Lowden
CMO, White Ops