It takes a village to safeguard the internet
John Waters

Keeping fraud out of digital advertising requires everyone to work together. It is kind of like when The Avengers assemble. When you get to the back end of the comic and you are glued to the pages or when you’re in the theater and the entire audience knows there are no more bathroom breaks. That moment when all the good guys understand it’s time to band together for the greater good. That is what we at HUMAN call collective protection. There is no need to fight fraudsters alone when we can have platforms, advertisers, agencies, technology providers and industry bodies sharing knowledge and building best practices to safeguard the internet. We have a village of resources to use to our advantage to decrease customer friction, data contamination, and cybersecurity exposure. This is the mission that drives HUMAN.
Today, we are happy to announce the continued recognition of this commitment by the MRC. The renewal of this accreditation for HUMAN covers our protection against SIVT on desktop, mobile web, mobile in-app, and Connected TV (CTV). It is recognition that our MediaGuard customers are getting the most comprehensive protection from ad fraud and abuse in the advertising ecosystem. We do not just give you industry leading results- we work to become the solution of future attacks as well.
A lot has changed for us since we announced our groundbreaking accreditation for pre and post-bid sophisticated invalid traffic (SIVT) mitigation across all platforms by the Media Rating Council (MRC) in January 2021. A new name, additional investors, and new clients. What hasn’t changed though is our commitment to fighting fraudsters and protecting all our clients from sophisticated threats. Our North Star is still to disrupt the economics of cybercrime.
Technology continues to offer consumers more ways of interacting with their entertainment. Advertisers and technology companies must continue exploring meaningful ways to reach these expanded audiences. It is important for the ecosystem to have strong standards to deter bad hackers, catch ad fraud and safeguard the internet. MRC provides those standards and HUMAN will continue to meet them
HUMAN lives up to those standards using a modern defense strategy to protect organizations from sophisticated bot attacks and fraud- this strategy increases ROI and more valid traffic among platform visitors. With more than 85% of the global programmatic impressions running through our Human Defense Platform, we are particularly aware of this battle within ad fraud. We are uniquely positioned to know how important it is to play to win.
This accreditation from MRC validates our mission to safeguard the integrity of the internet and continues our longstanding relationship. The MRC has long been pushing for more accountability of the industry and stronger standards. HUMAN has been supportive of those efforts from our beginning, becoming the first company to receive accreditation from MRC for SIVT detection in 2016. We are a cybersecurity company with humble beginnings. We know we cannot do it alone- that is why we have Collective Protection. It does take a village but we are not coming together to avenge. Modern defense is about proactively coming together to safeguard the ad ecosystem. Upholding our MRC accreditation shows we are willing and capable to continue doing so.