HUMAN’s Satori Threat Intelligence and Research team has disrupted a cunning mobile advertising fraud campaign dubbed Konfety.

Profits Up, Online Fraud Down.

The economy might slow down, but cybercrime won’t. Your online presence is a major revenue source. In an economic downturn, protecting it from digital attacks is more important than ever.

Maximize Your Cybersecurity ROI

Strengthen your defenses against digital attacks to maintain profits in hard economic times.

The Human Defense Platform reduces your attack risk while disrupting cybercrime economics. We increase costs for bad actors, deterring future attacks and lowering the cost of collective defense.

Protect Profits

Avoid remediation and recovery costs

Improve Efficiency

Optimize marketing and infrastructure spend

Defend your digital business from sophisticated bot attacks, fraud, and account abuse.

Protect Your Revenue with Modern Defense

Stop bot-driven fraud and account abuse

Don’t let bad bots harm your revenue and reputation. HUMAN uses advanced machine learning, behavioral profiles, and real-time sensor data to identify and block automated attacks with unmatched precision.

HUMAN continuously evaluates user activity for signs of fraud and abuse, even post-login, and executes a range of mitigation actions when foul play is detected.

Gain visibility into: Account Takeover, Account Fraud, Transaction Abuse, Scraping

Get the most out of your marketing investments

Ensure that humans, not bots, receive your marketing and ad inventory. HUMAN protects against disruptive ad fraud without affecting the speed of your platform or transactions.

HUMAN helps marketers filter out fake leads and referrals generated by bots. This prevents fraudulent data from contaminating your customer acquisition funnel and sales data pools.

Gain visibility into: Programmatic Ad Fraud, CTV Fraud, Device/App/SSAI Spoofing, Data Contamination

Ensure compliance and prevent client-side supply chain attacks

Avoid suffering a costly data breach and falling out of compliance with data privacy regulations. HUMAN provides real-time visibility and granular control into the behavior of all your client-side website scripts. 

HUMAN identifies vulnerabilities and anomalous behavior, and proactively mitigates risk using content security policy (CSP) and granular JavaScript block.

Gain visibility into: Compliance and Supply Chain

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