HUMAN’s Satori Threat Intelligence and Research team has disrupted a cunning mobile advertising fraud campaign dubbed Konfety.


How malicious ads go from idea to threat and how HUMAN Malvertising Defense helps publishers protect their valuable revenue from this ever-evolving threat.

Human Timeline of a Malvertising Attack Hero
Human Timeline of a Malvertising Attack Hero Mobile

Malvertising Threats

Human Timeline of a Malvertising Attack Icon 1@2x
Redirects away from publisher sites
Ad cloaking to execute clickbait scams
Ad cloaking to execute clickbait scams
Human Timeline of a Malvertising Attack Icon 5@2x
Redirects to malicious landing pages
Human Timeline of a Malvertising Attack Icon 3@2x
Distribution of malware
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Client-side injections to steal user info
Human Timeline of a Malvertising Attack Icon 4@2x
Heavy ads slowing site experience
Human Timeline of a Malvertising Attack Icon 7@2x
Pixel/Video Stuffing

Timeline of a Malvertising Attack

Human Timeline of a Malvertising Attack Step 1
Bad actor creates malicious code and sets up a programmatic ad campaign
Human Timeline of a Malvertising Attack Step 2
Bad actor submits their campaign for creative review
Human Timeline of a Malvertising Attack Step 3
Pre-scanning tools check for malicious activity in creative, but malvertiser evades blocklist detection
Human Timeline of a Malvertising Attack Step 4
Bad actor’s campaign wins auction bid
Human Timeline of a Malvertising Attack Without Human 1
Blocklists try to catch known bad actors, but malvertiser evades blocklist detection
Where Blocklist Solutions Fall Short
Non-malicious ads can get blocked, causing unwanted revenue loss

Size of the blocklist can cause latency on pages due to list load

Blocklists are reactive and only as good as the entries within them

Blocking ads and requesting new creative can risk revenue or diminish user experience
Human Timeline of a Malvertising Attack With Human 1
Malvertising Defense scans all creatives on page and analyzes landing pages to detect malicious behavior
Human Timeline of a Malvertising Attack Without Human 2
Creative renders and malvertiser pays for impressions
Human Timeline of a Malvertising Attack With Human 2
Creative renders, but malicious behavior is blocked
Human Timeline of a Malvertising Attack Without Human 3
Code begins to execute malicious activity
Human Timeline of a Malvertising Attack With Human 3
Malicious code never executes. 
User never lands on “Congrats” page
Human Timeline of a Malvertising Attack Without Human 4
Malicious activity affects users and damages publisher revenue
Human Timeline of a Malvertising Attack With Human 4
User experience is unaffected, publisher revenue is protected and malvertiser will look elsewhere for future attacks

Malvertising Defense Advantage

Human Timeline of a Malvertising Attack Malvertising Defense Advantage 1

Preserve Revenue

Human Timeline of a Malvertising Attack Malvertising Defense Advantage 2

Protect Brand Reputation

Human Timeline of a Malvertising Attack Malvertising Defense Advantage 3

Optimize Performance and Overhead

Human-Ceros Integration – Malvertising_2x

See for yourself how Malvertising Defense works