4 Product Announcements from Q4
Billy Fink

Each month, the White Ops team works to improve the usability and performance of our product, as well as the robustness of our core detection technology. Here are a few of the key updates that happened this quarter.
1. An more intuitive MediaGuard dashboard
The MediaGuard dashboard is undergoing a significant redesign. The new dashboard, which is now available in beta, offers improved usability and user experience. To learn more about the changes to the dashboard, click here. Please reach out to your account manager if you’d like access to the beta program.
2. New detection techniques
Effectively identifying bots is the most important part of our business. We invest in it every single day. Over the past several weeks, we’ve developed and implemented 6 new botmarkers to ensure our customers are getting the best protection.
3. Fast, concurrent report downloads
Reports used to queue up before running, occasionally leading to a long wait time during periods of heavy traffic. Now, that’s no longer the case — you can download as many reports as you want concurrently. In other words, report to your heart’s content.
4. Publisher reporting in MediaGuard dashboard
DSPs and SSP aggregators can now permission their suppliers to see reporting by publisher ID to better understand where pre-bid blocking occurs. These new reports show Pre-Bid IVT Rates by supplier or publisher for MediaGuard customers. There are also new data-sharing capabilities to allow the suppliers or publishers access to reporting as a sub-account of the DSP/SSP Partner.